The Beginning and End of Days 30 Day Challenge

A 30 Day Challenge featuring beautiful sunrises and sunsets. This challenge is meant to test my skill as an artist. To develop my skills in decisive mark making with my mediums. For the month of September I’ll be posting daily new paintings in soft pastels and oils. Afterwards, I’ll hold a reception, either online or in person, featuring all the paintings. More on that to come.
But Why the Challenge
The main reason is to see what I can do in a set time. There’s a saying, if you have all day to do something you’ll take all day. But if you only have 2 hours to do the same thing, you’ll finish it in two hours. I find setting a time limit for certain tasks helps me stay organized and productive. I want to see what would happen to my art if I set a time limit. Would I create similar art to what I had before? Would it be worse? Or would it be better? No matter the outcome, I’m bound to learn something about myself.
Follow Along Below
There will be daily updates here with the new art. However, you can follow me on social media, subscribe to my newsletter or support me on Patreon.
Be the first to know when you become a member on my Patreon channel. There I’ll post images and videos a day before, also with longer versions of the videos and some with voice overs explaining my process.
You can also sign up to my newsletter and receive daily updates on my progress.
Social Media
Here are some other places you can follow my progress on this challenge.